As if celebrating 15 years in business wasn’t enough, Kolorseal ends 2019 on a high after being voted Colour Specialists champions for the 2019 NFA campaign.

The National Fenestration Awards is the industry’s largest, most inclusive awards platform. With over 350 nominations and 5565 votes submitted during the course of the 2019 campaign, Kolorseal were voted champions in what was the biggest ever awards of it’s kind so far.

Debbie Hendry, speaking on the win, said this: “We are delighted to be recognised for our services to the industry. I would like to thank all those who voted for us”.

Winning team

Kolorseal has also been a long term main sponsor of the awards, recognising the awards’ message of inclusivity, honesty and fairness, shining a light on areas of the industry that had previously gone unrewarded.

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