Geri Giraffe Kolorseal mascot
Over the last 10 years, the Kolorseal Ltd team has enjoyed being part of the NFAs and fully supported all it stands for as an event for the industry.
Having won the last four years category of colour specialist, Deborah Hendry, Managing Director, considers it is now time to step aside whilst holding the title.
She comments, “As another strong female stated recently, knowing in your heart when it is time to go is so very important and now is definitely that time. As a team we have proven ourselves to be worthy winners and we are so grateful for all the support we have received from the industry.
To make meaningful and sustainable progress however, companies need to open up the stakes for others to get a chance to win.”
Kolorseal Ltd is therefore removing itself from the NFA nominations stage with Deborah believing that stepping away from the competition, while the company is at the top, is both necessary and the right thing to do moving forward.
Deborah concludes, “As nominees Kolorseal has had a great experience, winning four NFA accolades, which demonstrates that all our accomplishments and success stories have been recognised.
The whole team is very grateful to those who have nominated us again and to those who voted for us over the years. Now is the time for a graceful exit from the NFA race and it will be very exciting to see who wins this category at this year’s event.”
Kolorseal is an award-winning, colour coating specialist with a niche target audience in the fenestration and building sectors.